Information events
Attention: We publish here all events that different institutions hold for our freshmen. If something new is posted, the corresponding update date will appear here!

Information event for international students
April, 15th 2025
At this event organized by the International Center (IZC), international students are welcomed. Snacks and drinks are provided, offering a chance to network and learn about academic and social offerings.
The team of the Clausthal International Center provides information about the most important things you need to know as a foreign student at the beginning of your studies at Clausthal University of Technology.
Participation of all international students is very important!
Afterwards, our team cordially invites you to the premises of our International Center.

Day of the University Sports
16.10.2024 from 5 to 7 p.m. at the university sports grounds on the Tannenhöhe site
On October 16, 2024, the Sports Institute will open its doors from 5-7 p.m. and show you the full range of our university sports. Come by and find out about our extensive range of sports.
You can find the sports institute here:

Open StuZ-Day
October, 17 2024 from 1 to 4 pm
On 17.10.2024 the facilities of the Studentenzentrum welcome you to an "Open Day".
- Allgemeiner Studierendenausschuss (ASTA), General Students' Committee (ASTA)
- Kellerclub e.V.
- Beratungsstellen des Studentenwerkes, Counselling centres of the Studentenwerk
Please contact your Bärchenführer for more information.
The StuZ is located at Silberstr. 1 in Clausthal-Zellerfeld

Taster rehearsals Big Band and Pop Choir
groovING TUC - Big Band an der TU Clausthal e.V. invites you to various taster rehearsals
Taster rehearsals for big band, university choir, pop choir and symphony orchestra
1) groovING TUC Big Band
Are you musically inclined and play an instrument? Then our Big Band is the right place for you! You can socialise with students and lecturers as well as administrative staff and people from all kinds of professions. We are all amateur musicians who enjoy music from the genres of funk, jazz, pop and rock arranged for a big band. After each semester we play a concert, and every year we organise a workshop with a well-known big band great. We invite you to drop in on the rehearsal days without obligation. We also have instruments for hire if you don't have your own. Just come to our rehearsal every Friday from 18:00 -20:00 in the Institute of Mathematics. Please register in advance at so that we can have sheet music and, if necessary, loan instruments ready for you. You can also just come and see what it's like here first. Of course, we are happy for you to bring your own instrument. If you would like to find out more about us, please visit or send us an email:
2) Rock, Pop & Jazz Choir
We sing songs from the rock, pop and jazz genres, for example by Udo Lindenberg and Apache 207, Ed Sheeran, Revolverheld and Queen. For some songs, such as Africa by Toto, we are accompanied by the big band. As a particularly versatile choir, we naturally also have jazz vocals in our programme, and you don't have to be able to read music for our modern choir, as our choirmaster sings each part and makes it available to us in the correct pitch for downloading. So we can always hear our voice and sing along. Students, lecturers, administrative staff and singers from all kinds of professions from the region sing in our choir. We are happy to welcome new singers into our great community. We rehearse every Monday from 17:45-19:15 in the auditorium of the Haupt- und Realschule, Berliner Str. 48 in Clausthal. You can visit our rehearsals without obligation and join in straight away or just listen. However, it would be nice if you let us know in advance and send us an email: If you want to know more about us, you can of course also write to us and have a look at our website:
3) If you are interested in 1) or 2) but can't/won't/want to be there on Mondays or Fridays, you can get an online audition for both ensembles at