Welcome Week

Start of the Welcome Weeks Winter semester 2024/25 on 07.10.2024

the Mathematics preliminary courses starts at 01. October 2024

The Welcome Week will take place from 07.10. to 18.10.2024. The Mathematical Pre-Course will be offered from 01.10.2024. You can register for it here!

For a smooth start and a successful course of your studies, we strongly recommend that you take part in the Welcome Weeks.

In order to start your studies successfully, it is important that you register early, preferably by 15.09.2024. Only then will you have access to your university account in good time and be able to take part in all events without any problems.

We have set up a Welcome Service for you! You can find more information on the following website!


Central welcome and kick-off day

Central welcome and kick-off day

We welcome you to TU Clausthal on April 02, 2024!



Here you will find various preliminary courses to refresh your knowledge!



Introducing the University



Answers to frequently asked questions.

Contacts at a glance

Central Student Advisory Service

Katrin Balthaus

From now on, the Central Student Advisory Service can be reached by mobile phone: Phone: 05323-723671 or 0171-3062908. Inquiries via WhatsApp are now possible. E-mail: studienberatung@tu-clausthal.de

International Center

Hasan Habbabeh

International Student Advisor, Room: 3, Phone: +49 5323 72-3918, Fax: +49 5323 72-3939, Mobile: +49 170 5222991, E-Mail: isa@tu-clausthal.de

Bettina Sekler

ERASMUS Advisor, Room: 1, Phone: +49 5323 72-2231, Fax: +49 5323 72-3939, E-Mail: Bettina.sekler@tu-clausthal.de