
Research profile

Research profile

TU Clausthal’s capacities are focused on four fields of research, and the university has specific measures in place to ensure quality and transparency.

Research facilities

Research facilities

The researchers of TU Clausthal are working on current scientific questions in three faculties, in several research centers, and within the framework of various strategic research partnerships.

Doctoral candidates and postdocs

Doctoral candidates and postdocs

Information on doctorate and post-doc studies, as well as on the advisory and support services provided for young academics.

Research funding

Research funding

Advice, information, and support for submitting applications to national and international research programs.

Knowledge & technology transfer

Knowledge & technology transfer

Advice and support on transferring research to market and society.

Responsible Science

Responsible Science

Transparenz, gute wissenschaftliche Praxis, Forschungsethik und -folgenabschätzung