Info for students

Info for students

Everything about the application as well as dates and deadlines

Info for sponsors
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Info for sponsors

Why it is worthwhile to support students of the TU Clausthal

We are committed

We are committed

Examples: A sponsor and his scholarship holders

What is the Deutschlandstipendium?

The Deutschlandstipendium was established by the Federal Government to support particularly high-achieving students. A Deutschlandstipendium can be awarded if private sponsorship can be found for half of the sponsorship amount, the second half is financed by the federal government. The Clausthal University of Technology participates in the programme. It is looking for sponsors and supporters in order to be able to support outstanding students of the TU with a scholarship. Applications are open to German and international first-year students as well as students in higher semesters. In addition to performance in the respective course of study, social criteria also play a role. For example, social and/or political commitment, social need, educational advancement, migration background or special awards and initial practical experience count.

Further information about the Deutschlandstipendium at the Clausthal University can be found on this page. Please click on the corresponding fields for "Students" or "Sponsors".

General information about the national scholarship program can be found at:

Sponsors of the Deutschlandstipendium at the Clausthal University of Technology

Here you find a selection of our sponsors.


Program Officer

Vice President for Academic Affairs
Prof. Dr. Stefan Hartman
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Gunther Brenner
Representative for the Deutschlandstipendium
TU Clausthal
Phone: (05323) 72-2515
Telefax: (05323) 72-2203

Contact for sponsors

Andrea Langhorst, M.A.,
Head of Alumni Management Clausthal University,
Adolph-Roemer-Str. 2a,
D-38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld,
Tel.: (+49) 05323 72-21 60,
Fax: (+49) 05323 72-55 55,

Contact for students

Dr. Georg Ebertshäuser,
Head of Study Centre Clausthal University,
Adolph-Roemer-Str. 2a,
38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld,
Tel.: +49 (0)5323-72-2395,


Those who aim high need talent and sponsors

Volksbank im Harz is committed to supporting high-performing young people and sees this as a social mission. This has resulted in a collaboration with the TU on the Deutschlandstipendium scholarship.

Invitation to sponsors and recipients of the Deutschlandstipendium to the Deutschlandstipendium PerspektivForum

(digital) "New Impulses of Digital Networking" on September 30, 2021 from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. (via Zoom).


Invitation of the BMBF "10 years of Deutschlandstipendium on 15 June 2021

Invitation for sponsors and interested parties to the online event of the Federal Ministry (BMBF) on the Deutschlandstipendium on 15.6.2021

New round of Deutschlandstipendium has started. The TU Clausthal is still looking for sponsors for talented students.

The Deutschlandstipendium is an award and support

The handover ceremony of the Deutschlandstipendien 2020/21 took place virtually for the first time. The TU Clausthal awarded scholarships to national and international students of all three faculties.

Germany scholarships officially handed over

Thanks to the support of companies and the Friends Association, 13 students of the Clausthal University of Technology will receive 300 euros per month for one year.