Electrical and Computer Engineering (Master)

Information technology is among Germany’s vital economic sectors, covering modern disciplines of electrical engineering like automation technology, telecommunications and microelectronics. As industry keeps changing under the headings of “industry digitization”, “Industry 4.0” or “Industrial Internet of Things”, the importance of information technology keeps growing accordingly. In order to process and transmit digital data, communications technology and high frequency technology solutions are needed. Future autonomous systems in industry and the traffic sector require further research of measuring, control and automation technology.


Occupational Profile and Career Opportunities

Due to the digitalization of industry, job perspectives for graduates of electrical engineering and information technology (EEIT) are growing rapidly. Information is collected by miniaturized sensors, processed into control signals by microelectronics, transmitted by electromagnetic waves, and influences our real world via electromechanical actuators.  The VDE (Association for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies) expects a 50-percent increase in jobs within the next years, with the graduating students not only covering the existing arising vacancies. Our EEIT-study program enables future engineers to interdisciplinarily develop and question sustainable solutions for the digitized industry of tomorrow. This study program is well-renowned and highly regarded among employers. Graduates of this program are desperately sought in industry, especially for digital transformation.

  • Electrical Engineering and Information Technology is a well-recognized degree and highly regarded by potential employers
  • Excellent job perspectives: According to current developments, the number of graduates does not even cover the existing arising vacancies.
  • Digitalization, miniaturization and electromobility demand research and developments of EEIT-engineers. Thus, the EEIT-graduates’ knowledge and abilities are required for both traditional and new technologies.

The Characteristics of the Clausthal Study Program

With the field of research Open Cyber-Physical Systems and Simulation and by focusing on digital technologies, TU Clausthal addresses core topics of digitalization and offers an extensive range of industry placements and theses. One partner country for digitalization and electromobility is China, where giant conurbations pose special challenges to mobility and the information infrastructure. The German industry needs electrical engineers equipped with China competence.

Structure of the Program

In this study program, students build knowledge enabling them to research in depth and develop innovative technologies for the digitized world. The overall goal is the development of technical systems with optimal behavior. To incorporate this goal, the focus of our master’s program lies on engineering methodological competences. The mandatory electives offer students the chance to choose their specialization in the fields of electrical engineering and information technology. The last two semesters comprise a research practice module and the thesis to teach students how to work academically. Successfully completing this program enables students to take on consecutive master studies, possibly followed by a doctorate program.

  • Scientific fundamentals (numeric mathematics)
  • Fundamentals of engineering (advanced lectures on electronics, high frequency technology, communications engineering, control technology, automation technology, semiconductor devices)
  • Engineering applications (software systems engineering, robotics and autonomous systems, micromechanics and sensor technology, laboratory work and seminars to acquire research practice)
  • Interdisciplinary contents (mandatory electives and master thesis)

Program advisors

Prof. Dr. Niels Neumann
Phone: +49 5323 72-3530
E-Mail: niels.neumann@tu-clausthal.de
Institute of Electrical Information Technology
Leibnizstraße 28
38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld

Program supervisor

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Rembe
Telefon: +49 5323 72-2544
E-Mail: rembe@iei.tu-clausthal.de
Electrical Information Technology
Leibnizstraße 28
38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld

Program outline

Type of program: Master
Duration: 4 Semester
Language of teaching: German
Degree: Master of Science (M.Sc.)
Start date: Admission to the winter semester, but also to the summer semester possible.
Accreditation: Urkunde ASIIN

Starting your studies

Welcome Weeks (before the start of lectures)
The Clausthal University of Technology supports the start of studies with various event formats.

Pre-course in mathematics (before the start of lectures)
The Institute of Mathematics offers a pre-course in mathematics for Bachelor's degree programmes. Master's students who would like to refresh their mathematics knowledge are also welcome to attend this course.