Learning groups

Learning groups are one of many possible learning strategies. They are helpful because they increase your motivation and stamina. You also have people to whom you can ask questions at short notice and to whom you can explain the subject matter. Both support your personal learning.

  • Don't always want to study alone?
  • Would you like to exchange ideas about the subject matter and helpful materials?
  • Do you find learning with others motivating?

How do we support you?

  • We help you find a suitable learning group
  • Experienced students - the LernScouts - accompany the learning groups, provide organizational support and help.
  • We reserve a time for you in the learning and writing workshop so that you can meet up

Please change the language for the registration form.

Dr. Martina Oster

Phone: +49 5323 72-3056 E-Mail: martina.oster@tu-clausthal.de