
Examination periods / Examination dates

Examination periods

Winter semester: 01.12. - 31.03.

Summer semester: 01.06. - 30.09.

Examination periods

In principle, the following regulations apply:

Winter semester: 1st examination period: 3 weeks before the end of lectures 2nd examination period: 2* weeks after the end of lectures Examination-free period: 4 weeks 3rd examination period: 2 weeks after examination-free period

Summer semester: 1st examination period: 3 weeks before end of lectures 2nd examination period: 2* weeks after end of lectures Time without examinations: 6 weeks 3rd examination period: 4 weeks after time without examinations (*in exceptional cases 2 - 3 weeks after end of lectures)



The exam dates are updated regularly (please note the next update date).

All examinations, including those that are taken as credits (certificates/PLN/WPLN), must be registered via the online study portal (NOT via StudIP) or the examination office!

If an exam date is postponed by the institute, all registrations already made will be transferred to the new exam date. A new registration is NOT necessary!

For missing times or exact room allocations, please contact the institutes directly / via StudIP!

For online registrations and deregistrations please print out the "Info about registered exams" and keep it with your registration. and keep it with your documents!

Important:Oral exams must also be registered online . However, you will only be admitted to the examination if you send the specific date, stating your name/program/matriculation number/examination/examiner/concrete date, IN TIMEvia e-mailto the examination office (your clerk).

Please inform the examination office - Mrs. Lenk - about missing exam dates / overlaps according to the model study plans via e-mail.

We wish you good luck in the exams.