Cordierit Cordierit Größe: Lange Bildkante: 1,2 mm Fundort: In Cordierit-Knotenschiefer. Theuma b. Bergen, Sachsen, D. Sammlung: Schliffsammlung TU Clausthal
Algorithms for TTP(2) , Mathematical Methods of Operations Research, August 2012, Volume 76, Issue 1, Pages 1-20, S. Westphal, K. Noparlik, A 5.875-Ap […] 25, 1 August 2006, Pages 187-188 S. Saliba, S. O. Krumke, S. Westphal, Online-Optimization of Large-Scale Vehicle Dispatching Problems Journal Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, Volume 25, 1 August […] algorithm to determine optimal bivariate splits for oblique decision tree induction, Applied Intelligence, 1-21, 2021, F. Bollwein, M. Dahmen, S. Westphal
Algorithms for TTP(2) , Mathematical Methods of Operations Research, August 2012, Volume 76, Issue 1, Pages 1-20, S. Westphal, K. Noparlik, A 5.875-Ap […] 25, 1 August 2006, Pages 187-188 S. Saliba, S. O. Krumke, S. Westphal, Online-Optimization of Large-Scale Vehicle Dispatching Problems Journal Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, Volume 25, 1 August […] algorithm to determine optimal bivariate splits for oblique decision tree induction, Applied Intelligence, 1-21, 2021, F. Bollwein, M. Dahmen, S. Westphal
Braunkohletagebau Vom 1. bis zum 2.11. sind wir mit 16 Teilnehmern aus 6 Studiengängen über Magdeburg nach Cottbus gefahren und haben uns dabei die MVA Magdeburg, das Braunkohlekraftwerk und den Braun
10.5162/SMSI2021/A1.1 W. L. Johnson, Yu. Suhak, H. Fritze, Mechanisms of Anelastic Loss in Langasite at Temperatures from 113 K to 1324 K, SMSI 21 Conference; doi: 10.5162/SMSI2021/A2.1 Yu. Suhak, B. Jerliu […] Conference; doi: 10.5162/SMSI2021/A1.3 Yu. Suhak, A. Kabir, D. Roshchupkin, B. Red’kin, S. Ganschow, H. Fritze, Oxygen Partial Pressure Dependent Electrical Conductivity of LiNb1−xTaxO3 Solid Solutions, SMSI […] Sugak, I.I. Syvorotka, S. Hurskyj, U. Yakhnevych, V. Hreb, Yu. Suhak, H. Fritze Investigations of LiNb1-xTaxO3 compounds with the stoichiometric composition as well as with the planned deviation from sto
can be used for a longer time. Folien zum Beitrag Table 1: Overview of the measured integral permeability between the control chambers (CC). Figure 1: Overview of the installed measurement, test and injection […] component of the project, a half dam made out of a slightly adapted version of the Sorel concrete A1 was constructed at the Teutschenthal mine in Germany at a depth of 680 meters. The reason why only a […] reduction of the permeability due to the injection of an injection agent in the contact zone. Figure 1 provides and overview of the control chambers and the installed injections pipes in the dam. Six and
can be used for a longer time. Folien zum Beitrag Table 1: Overview of the measured integral permeability between the control chambers (CC). Figure 1: Overview of the installed measurement, test and injection […] component of the project, a half dam made out of a slightly adapted version of the Sorel concrete A1 was constructed at the Teutschenthal mine in Germany at a depth of 680 meters. The reason why only a […] reduction of the permeability due to the injection of an injection agent in the contact zone. Figure 1 provides and overview of the control chambers and the installed injections pipes in the dam. Six and
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