Digitalization for a Sustainable Society

Digitalization is integral to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. The research field “Digitalization for a sustainable society“ therefore explores, implements and evaluates the potential of digitalization for circular economy applications. The focus is on models, methods and processes of digital transformation.

The research endeavors of the research field are divided into four subject areas that cover the entire spectrum from basic research to applications. The increasing complexity of industrial processes from production to recycling can only be achieved with digital transformation.

  • “Methods and applications of digital transformation“. Here, the fundamental facilitation of sustainable digitalization in important application areas of the circular economy is examined.
  • “New methods and tools of computational engineering“ and “Engineering dependable software systems“. High demands are placed on highly complex software systems that ensure the safety of people and infrastructure. The focus of these two subject areas is therefore on processes and procedure models for secure and high-quality software-based systems and new methods and tools for modelling, simulation and optimization.
  • “Trustworthy human-machine collaboration“. In this topic area, research is being conducted into how machines and, in particular, robots with emotional intelligence can support people at work so that, for example, physically strenuous care work can still be carried out despite demographic change. 

Digitalization is an essential foundation for the circular economy. Therefore, interfaces with the three other Clausthal research fields exist, as the digital transformation is also taking place across the board in production, raw materials extraction and energy technology.

Whom to contact

Speaker of the research field:
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Reinhardt
Phone: +49 5323/72-7124

Deputy speaker of the research field:
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Rembe
Phone: +49 5323 72-2544